Marc and I have been enjoying summer in all its glory recently visiting with friends and doing a bit of traveling.
I think this post is going to very picture and text intensive so I need some categories. How about some bolding while we're at it.
1. Idaho, here I come!
I spent the fourth of July weekend in Idaho with my grandparents, aunt, cousin and dad. We had a grand old time re-connecting, playing lots of squeak (and Kylie losing lots and lots of squeak, it was my goal just to win one round but I didn't even accomplish that) and eating the best and easiest brownies ever!! Try them with marshmallows and chocolate chips and marachino cherries. mmmmm
At the 4th of July BBQ with my dad, cousin Erin and Aunt Tammy.

2. Our anniversary
Marc and I celebrated our seventh anniversary last week. Time sure flies when you are having fun! Marc surprised me with a trip to the Sunshine Coast and we stayed at a beautiful B and B right on the ocean. We enjoyed lazy days, some hiking, swimming for Marc and eating a lot of fish and gelato. Those sound a bit odd together but my tummy (and hips!) sure liked them.

3. Joshua Visits and turns 30!
Our friend Josh who visited us a couple of times in Kenya and we traveled with in Egypt is back in Canada (albeit briefly) and made the journey from the island to come out and visit. He also happened to turn 30 while he was here.

Today we had a picnic lunch at a local beaver dam before Josh's send off.
4. Climbing Elk (Not once but twice)

5. All this hiking and traveling reminded me of this . . .
I had clipped this article from the Globe and Mail on Canada Day with the intent to post it but did not get around to it but as a way to tie up my post (in true teacher fashion) I am posting this excerpt from an article by Margaret Wente entitled "We are the Lucky Country." So true...
"Like everyone else, Canadians love to complain. Our taxes are too high and our social services are too low. Our winters are too long and our politicians are pathetic. We have no sense of national unity. Our neighbour to the south has gone temporarily berserk. Gas prices are going through the roof, and global warming is melting the Arctic ice.
But where else would we rather be? Canada is the lucky country, blessed with more beauty and abundance than any other place on earth. We have the spectacular good fortune to dwell in a scenic backwater, far from the crossroads of history - an insignificant suburb, really, where nothing ever happens but the quality of life is great. As neighbours of the richest, most powerful country in the world, we reap all the benefits of empire and bear hardly any of the costs. We have energy, water, food and tractors - everything the world wants. We're the place where entrepreneurial people from 200 other countries want to come make a life. We've won the lottery and, sometimes, we're even smart enough to know it.....Our country! Not bad eh?"