

I added a few items to our profile so that it reflects my interests as well as Marc's. Kylie

P.S. I have absolutely no idea what transcendental structures are. Do any of you?


shareen said...

Who's addition was "The Giver"? I love that book so so much. I think we had to read it in grade six or seven or something like that and I might have stolen it from school (ssshhhhhh!)...I just couldn't help it!

m+K said...

that was me! both marc and i have read and enjoyed it. I read it to my class a couple of years ago and they loved it too. Kylie

Stephen and Amber said...

Love the Giver! I had it read to me in Grade 7 by my teacher and have since reread it many times.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys have a copy I could borrow to read.Maybe you could bring it with you when you come next week. I can't remember if I read it or not. Did I hear you read it to your class when I came to Edmonton?

Love Mom/Cherri

m+K said...

I do have a copy. I will bring if for you. I don't think you've read it. Kylie

Sparks said...

transcendental structures are basically structures that are not bound in any way to the physical objects embodying the structure. For example, the transcendental structure affectionately known as the triangle isn't defined by ink on a page, or the edges of a chocolate cake, but is defined by properties that "transcend" the medium. In this case, a particular combination of angles and connecting line segments in two dimensions, which is all inherently dependent upon the structure of a circle, and that's clearly a transcendental structure!