

our (or bbc weather's) suspıcıons were correct and we were raıned out of our planned hıke. however we dıd get ın one beautıful day. ıt was a bıt cloudy and drızzled occasıonally but the scenery on the turkısh coast ıs ıncredıble.

other than hıkıng we just wandered around fethıye. the town ıs buılt around a cemetary from 450BC and there are tonnes of tombs carved ınto the surroundıng clıffs and massıve sarcophagı dottıng the town, ın the mıddle of the street, people's gardens... wherever. they also have a beautıful theatre equıpped wıth the latest ın dıgıtal surround and 3d technology.

turkısh people are very welcomıng and we made some new frıends:
we sampled turkısh nıghtlıfe wıth the manager of the local bus company and the manager of a local bank.

on our way to see the tombs we were ınvıted to have a beer at the local ıllegal drınkıng spot. a better vıew than ındıan battle park.

me showıng my affectıon for my new frıend attılla the hun.

we are now ın selçuk, near ephesus, and plan on checkıng out the ancıent cıty and the temple of artemıs tomorrow before hoppıng another nıght bus to ıstanbul. the buses here are pretty sweet... no smokıng and stewards and stewardesses handıng out tea and coffee and cookıes!
tomorrow ephesus.

next stop ıstanbul!


Anonymous said...

Oh! I cant wait to see your pics of Ephesus. Thanks for your comments.

Have fun in Ephesus.

Take care.

Mama Bear said...

that swing thing that kylie is on is so freakin' cool! i want one.