
Ummm, Yuck and stinky fridges and weird tendencies

Marc is in Hope working for the weekend (48 hours, an extra long shift!) and I am home packing. I am actually really happy with the pace of my packing. We are leaving Chilliwack two weeks from today and the only things I have left to pack is the kitchen and the garage. (And of course odds and ends.) Last night I did not feel like cooking for one so I ordered some Vietnamese Rolls with shrimp from our local restaurant. They were excellent but this morning I am not feeling so hot. I was just thinking about seafood and how absolutely unappealing it sounds right now and I walked into our office to do a post and look what picture greeted me on our desktop:

Now the actual reason for this post is actually along similar lines. Like I mentioned I still have not packed up the kitchen and of course our fridge still has food in it. Right now I think the fridge needs to be cleaned. I am not sure though. You see I have this problem. I cannot stand the smell of fridges (or a lot of other things for that matter) but fridges in particular really sully my nostrils. To combat this problem I have a little trick - I hold my breath when I open the fridge. This is not just our fridge, it is all fridges. So if I have opened your fridge I guaruntee that I have held my breath. In fact it is automatic now and I don't even think about it. Marc always laughs at me because if he talks to me while I am opening the fridge I sound really nasally.

I also hate opening someone else's fridge and seeing all sorts of butter/yogurt/sour cream containers. I really dislike opening what I think will be vanilla yogurt mmmmm and it turns out to be cold chili. blech! Cold food in a deceptive container falls into the worst ever smells category for me. I know that this is very strange but I just think I have a very strong sense of smell. (My brother does too!)

Anyways, not sure why I just shared that with the world but I think I am putting off cleaning the fridge but I will prevail! Here I go . . .


Anonymous said...

You're too funny Kylie!!


m+K said...

that's awesome sweety! the first step is admitting the problem.
kylie didnt mention that it is fairly common for her to run around the house screaming while i chase her with an anonymous yoghurt container.
she also didnt get into the lovely phenomenon of niko rolling in the above pictured rotting fish.

shareen said...

as soon as I started reading this post I began laughing...out loud...hard. I think you have some of the funniest little quirks I have ever heard of, and strangely, they all involve your nose...

michaelia and jason said...

Kylie, I think you may have real problems when you get pregnant. I hear that your smell gets super-sensitive (and your stomach sensitive as well). So, you might have to get your husband to open your fridge then!

m+K said...

I have heard that too Michealia, and I am a little worried. K

Anonymous said...

I loved the talk about pregnancy Kylie but michaellia is right, you could be in for a rough time if you have any nausea(mushroom porkchops mmm good) As for the fridge, it must be scary opening some of those containers not knowing what you are going to find.
Love Mom/Cherri