
Even Better!

If you wouldn't be surprised by seeing photos of us hugging trees and the like, Fraser would you be surprised to see us being birthed by a tree?


Sparks said...

Aren't you being re-birthed by a tree? In some cultures this is the gateway to becoming full fledged hippies. Congratulations!

shareen said...

now you are a true born-again...ummmm...something. Get back to me later, I'll come up with something.

Anonymous said...

shouldn't you be going head first? I guess Marc was there if there were any complications during the process.


P.S. g..x..j t o, g...x..jto, g...x..jto and gxjto was my word verification's nameo!

Oh, and Marc, you've got to forward me the lyrics to 50 Ways to Love Your Liver before you head out. I know it's copyright and all, I just want to cover it and spread your craft.