
Recent Happenings

Yesterday between posting about my new guilty pleasure (I am listening to it right now!) I also made dinner for our local WHL team. Our pastor is the chaplain for the team and twice a month they meet and have a dinner. I volunteered to make the dinner this month. I had a lot of fun putting the meal together but was quite worried that I would not make enough. (Who knows how much 20 hungry teenagers eat?) I did make enough (apparently there was some even left over!) I think this is my new calling in life - I have recently discovered cooking now that I have a lot of time on my hands and made the best ever potato skins last night after making my big meal. They were great to eat while we watched Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I love these two! They make me laugh. Okay I am getting sidetracked again, here are some pictures of my very large meal I prepared yesterday.

This is me using a rolling pin to crush the Skor Bar that went into the trifle I made for dessert.

Here is the spaghetti and meatball casseroles I made. I used a recipe that Marc invented when we were home in Lethbridge in November. It includes lots of veggies, meatballs, and of course LOTS OF CHEESE!
Lastly, we have a new computer!! Here it is in all its glory. Monique do you notice what's on the screen? Have a great day everyone.

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