
For those of you waiting with baited breath ...

Well we have returned from Princeton and have spent a very nice day with our friend Jarrid. Jarrid and I allowing the crazy windstorm we are having right now to dictate our poses.

Yesterday on our way back we stopped in Manning Park and rented some snowshoes. It was my first time REAL snowshoeing (I'm sure those short trips in elementary phys-ed don't count) and it was so enjoyable! Especially the downhill bits.

We had a great time in Princeton and Marc's time was fairly relaxed and not too busy which was very nice. My whole time was very relaxed and not too busy. I did made some excellent smartie cookies with whole wheat bread flour because I couldn't find the regular flour and they turned out so big and tasty! Here's the dough:

Here I am holdly our newly aquired French Press. My mom got it for Marc for Christmas and we love it! We are taking it to Kenya for our daily coffee fix. We didn't realize (or at least I didn't realize) that we could make tea in too! My dad bought us some excellent strawberry cream rooibos for Christmas and we enjoyed it aplenty in Princeton.

Marc tobganning.

For those of you wondering how we heard crazy sounds in the night, I will tell you. First I must start this story by saying there are a lot of remotes in this house where we stayed. None of the remotes have batteries and none of them work on any of the stereo systems, DVD players, TV or VCR. They are located in the living room right beside the TV. Here they all are in all their batteryless glory.

The first night Marc and I were there we had just watched a movie and we had turned out the lights heading for bed. I was at the bottom of the stairs right by the outside door and Marc was upstairs. As I was just about to come upstairs, I heard music all of a sudden. I strained my ears to hear where it was coming from and it sounded to me like it was coming from outside. I called Marc downstairs and at this point I could hear a man and a woman talking quite loudly outside. I was quite freaked out at this point wondering what the HECK was going on. Marc and I opened the door and in the darkness we heard a phone ringing very loudly. We then heard a doorbell ringing three times. "Did you ring the doorbell Marc?" (I couldn't see his hands.) "No did you?" No. At this point if it was a movie I would have screamed. We finally figured out that in our random turning on of machines we had somehow turned a DVD on outside and not inside and it was playing on the speakers mounted outside. A very weird experience. I was very happy when I figured out what it was. Occam's razor should have told me that it was not a crazy evil machine in the night spewing out random sounds and conversations but I was still scared!

On a last note we played Scrabble and after a very poor start I stepped it up with 75 points for the word quizzed. From then on it was Kylie dominance all the way. This is not something I would usually brag about ;) but you must understand that Marc ALWAYS beats me at word games. Victory for Kylie is a day to celebrate. Here is my precious board:

I just re-read this and when I read the part about none of the remotes working I could picture some of you (ahem, Fraser) making some smart ass coment such as "Of course the remotes don't work, they don't have batteries." I will save you from embarassment - we did try batteries in all the remotes and NONE of them worked.
The End.


Anonymous said...

I reeeeeally want some of that cookie dough. The snowshoe pics look fun.

m+K said...

It was really good dough!

Heidi said...

I loved the snowshoe pictures! In my room, I have a picture of my snowshoes taken while they were on my feet too. I miss them:( They wouldn't really be much use here, however.

Joanna said...

the cookie dough DOES look awesome. i didn't believe "tome" until i looked it up in the dictionary - i'm glad i did as i was going to make a hoity-toity remark about the legitimacy of your game.