

sorry for the sideways nature of this video, i was trying to be sneaky and now i cant flip it upright. for your viewing pleasure you may either turn your monitor on its side or lie down while watching.


Anonymous said...

laughin' my butt off in edmonton.
hey keep an eye out for green coffee and I'll try to conjure an excuse to come buy some.
andrewsky mcleggenstien

shareen said...

oh kylie...such a funny bunny. that video just makes me miss you guys more. :)

Mama Bear said...

Are you sure you're not hallucinating? Because i didn't see any giant bug....all i saw was a crazy woman with a fly swatter ;)

Sonya said...

kylie...i would have almost cried too! I hate bugs...should we send you a lifetime supply of bug spray?

Joanna said...

hehe - you should try out "the zapper". My parents have one - it's a small badminton racket type thing that zaps and kills bugs instantly. it always seems a little severe and electric-chair-like to me, but it might be worth a try...
It's so great getting updates from you guys and see your photos! Your home looks inviting and lovely!

megan said...

Hahhaha! Is that squeal at the beginning from Kylie or the bug? Hahahhaha! I love it.

Katherine said...

oh my. that is priceless. Marc, that was a cruel joke to film Kylie while she was in despair at having to kill the huge bug, but still, I'm glad we got to see it.
I love hearing your stories and seeing pictures of your world in Africa.